Science & Practice Committee Update

Science & Practice Committee Update

By Jennifer L. Hughes, PhD, MPH
Member-at-Large: Science & Practice

I would like to start by highlighting the great success of our second SCCAP Clinical Practice Institute (CPI), “Navigating Technology and Social Media Use with Children, Adolescents, and Families: Clinical Implications of APA Guidance on Social Media Use”. SCCAP hosted 3 monthly sessions in the Fall of 2023 with a fantastic group of speakers, including Dr. Sophia Choukas-Bradley, Dr. Jessica Hamilton, Dr. Candice Biernesser, and Dr. Sarah Domoff ( Session participation ranged from 30-45 SCCAP members, and attendees were active and engaged, discussing ideas about how to support parents who are concerned about their teen’s technology use, especially how to do so in a collaborative way, and about best practices for assessing and treating problematic media use. SCCAP CPI was designed to be a series of 3, 3-hour interactive seminars, with a focus on tangible, evidence-based practices and recommendations to take straight to clinical practice, and we received feedback that this year’s offering met this goal!

  • Excellent webinar with a great balance of lecture and discussion, with very helpful resources for clinical practice.”
  • An informative training that provided useful information and concrete tools that will be very helpful in practice. Thank you!
  • Excellent presentation; cannot recommend it enough. Very nicely done. Great speakers who are definitely on top of their field.

Members, we want to hear from you! Are you interested in us continuing CPI? Are there topics that you hope CPI will explore? Please contact me if you have ideas. Also, let me know if you would like to serve on the 2024 CPI Sub-Committee, forming now!

I want to highlight a few specific science and practice resources from APA. If you have not already, please sign up for the APA Science Spotlight, available at: Additionally, the APA Practice Directorate has an email list for Practitioners, available at:

If you would like to become more involved in SCCAP and are interested in contributing to the Science or Practice Committees, please contact me at

Jennifer L. Hughes, PhD, MPH
Member-at-Large: Science & Practice

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More From Summer 2024

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By Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, PhD

In Focus: Understanding the Onset of Psychosis Among Youth & Young Adults

By Aubrey M. Moe, PhD & Melissa F. V. Kilicoglu, MA

Expert Recommendations: Social Media & Mental Health in Children & Adolescents

By Hayley Fournier, PhD; Alex Foxwell, PhD; & Betsy Kennard, PsyD, ABPP

LEAD Fellow Spotlight

Featuring Ashley Ramclam, PhD

The Student View: Highlighting SCCAP’s Student Mentorship Program

By Emily Shah, MA; Caterina Obenauf, MA; Hong Bui, MS; & Amanda Bennett, MS

SCCAP at the 2024 APA Convention

By Nicole Lorenzo, PhD and Kelsie Okamura, PhD

The SCCAP Webinar Series

The Future Directions Forum Updates

By Andres De Los Reyes, PhD

Save the Date: Inaugural SCCAP Conference!

By Mary Louise Cashel, PhD

Happy 25th Anniversary to SCCAP!

By Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP

Distinguished Career Contributions to Science Award

Recipient: Ann Masten, PhD

Distinguished Career Award for Practice & Training

Recipient: Jarrod Leffler, PhD, ABPP

R. Bob Smith, III Excellence in Psychological Assessment Award

Recipient: Elizabeth Kryszak, PhD

Richard “Dick” Abidin Early Career Award

Recipient: Angela Narayan, PhD

Early Career Contributions to Diversity Science Award

Recipient: Jocelyn I. Meza, PhD

Diversity Professional Development Award Recipients

Routh Dissertation Grant Recipients

Student Achievement Award Recipients

Student Professional Development Award Recipients

Consolidated SCCAP Awards Period

JCCAP Issue Highlight

By Andres De Los Reyes, PhD


By Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP

Council of Representatives Report

By Mary Louise Cashel, PhD & Stephen Hupp, PhD


By David A. Langer, PhD, ABPP

Fellows Committee Update

By Martha C. (Marcy) Tompson, PhD

Science & Practice Committee Update

By Jennifer L. Hughes, PhD, MPH

Membership Committee Update

By Chrissy Cammaratta, PhD, ABPP


By Alysha Thompson, PhD

Bilingual Psychologists SIG Update

By Hannah Jones, PhD

Clinical Child & Adolescent Practice SIG Update

By Jill Thurber, PhD, ABPP

EA SIG Considerations for Caregiver Involvement in Treatment

By Arielle Linsky, PhD & Joe DeLuca, PhD

Professional Development & Mentoring SIG Update

By Hannah Ades, BA & Andres De Los Reyes, PhD

Introducing the Summer Treatment Program SIG

By Katie Hart, PhD & Sarah Tannenbaum, PsyD, ABPP

More From Summer 2024

More From Summer 2024

President’s Message

By Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, PhD

In Focus: Understanding the Onset of Psychosis Among Youth & Young Adults

By Aubrey M. Moe, PhD & Melissa F. V. Kilicoglu, MA

Expert Recommendations: Social Media & Mental Health in Children & Adolescents

By Hayley Fournier, PhD; Alex Foxwell, PhD; & Betsy Kennard, PsyD, ABPP

LEAD Fellow Spotlight

Featuring Ashley Ramclam, PhD

The Student View: Highlighting SCCAP’s Student Mentorship Program

By Emily Shah, MA; Caterina Obenauf, MA; Hong Bui, MS; & Amanda Bennett, MS

SCCAP at the 2024 APA Convention

By Nicole Lorenzo, PhD and Kelsie Okamura, PhD

The SCCAP Webinar Series

The Future Directions Forum Updates

By Andres De Los Reyes, PhD

Save the Date: Inaugural SCCAP Conference!

By Mary Louise Cashel, PhD

Happy 25th Anniversary to SCCAP!

By Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP

Distinguished Career Contributions to Science Award

Recipient: Ann Masten, PhD

Distinguished Career Award for Practice & Training

Recipient: Jarrod Leffler, PhD, ABPP

R. Bob Smith, III Excellence in Psychological Assessment Award

Recipient: Elizabeth Kryszak, PhD

Richard “Dick” Abidin Early Career Award

Recipient: Angela Narayan, PhD

Early Career Contributions to Diversity Science Award

Recipient: Jocelyn I. Meza, PhD

Diversity Professional Development Award Recipients

Routh Dissertation Grant Recipients

Student Achievement Award Recipients

Student Professional Development Award Recipients

Consolidated SCCAP Awards Period

JCCAP Issue Highlight

By Andres De Los Reyes, PhD


By Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP

Council of Representatives Report

By Mary Louise Cashel, PhD & Stephen Hupp, PhD


By David A. Langer, PhD, ABPP

Fellows Committee Update

By Martha C. (Marcy) Tompson, PhD

Science & Practice Committee Update

By Jennifer L. Hughes, PhD, MPH

Membership Committee Update

By Chrissy Cammaratta, PhD, ABPP


By Alysha Thompson, PhD

Bilingual Psychologists SIG Update

By Hannah Jones, PhD

Clinical Child & Adolescent Practice SIG Update

By Jill Thurber, PhD, ABPP

EA SIG Considerations for Caregiver Involvement in Treatment

By Arielle Linsky, PhD & Joe DeLuca, PhD

Professional Development & Mentoring SIG Update

By Hannah Ades, BA & Andres De Los Reyes, PhD

Introducing the Summer Treatment Program SIG

By Katie Hart, PhD & Sarah Tannenbaum, PsyD, ABPP