SCCAP is Seeking Nominations for Upcoming Board Positions

All positions assume responsibility on January 1, 2026

SCCAP is Seeking Nominations for Upcoming Board Positions

All positions assume responsibility on January 1, 2026

SCCAP is seeking nominations for the following board positions: 

President-Elect: The President-Elect has a term of three (3) years sequentially serving as President-Elect (2026), President (2027) and Past President (2028). The President-Elect shall be a member of the Board of Directors, shall appoint a Program Co-Chair and Student Representative, and performs duties traditionally assigned to a Vice-President to assist with steering the society. The President-elect will work with the APA programming Committee to develop the Convention programming for their Presidential year.  During the president-elect year an optional presidential initiative may be selected.  The President-Elect must be a member of BOTH SCCAP and APA.

Treasurer: The Treasurer is a voting officer of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall oversee the custody of all membership funds and property of SCCAP, shall oversee the receipt of all funds to SCCAP, direct disbursements as provided under the bylaws, oversee the Director of Operation’s financial bookkeeping, prepare the annual budget in consultation with the President and Board of Directors, create annual reports, review and lead negotiations for all contracts, oversee the tax filing, and ensure the annual budget is not exceeded.  The treasurer must be a member of both SCCAP and APA.

Member-at-Large Science and Practice: The MAL-Science and Practice is a voting member of the Board of Directors. This Member-at-Large chairs or appoints a designate to chair both the Practice Committee and Science Committee, and shall appoint all Committee members. The Committees shall monitor scientific and professional developments, and review ethical issues about child and adolescent psychology, and share this information with SCCAP members.  The Committees will sponsor practice and research-related webinars, create Practice and Science-related content for the websites and newsletter, administer the Practice and Science committees’ awards, support, and provide social media content. 

APA Council Representative: The Council Rep is a voting member of the Board of Directors. Representatives to APA Council must be Members or Fellows of SCCAP and members of APA. They are elected for three (3) year terms. The Representative to APA Council shall perform those duties required of Representatives to APA Council as specified in the Bylaws of APA. They shall be responsible for advising the Board of Directors about significant matters of business scheduled to come before APA Council. They shall also be responsible for informing the Board of Directors and SCCAP Membership of significant actions taken by APA Council.  APA Council Representatives will sit on committees as appointed by the SCCAP president. The APA Council Rep must be a member of both APA and SCCAP.

Candidates must have a strong commitment to the SCCAP mission and have the available time to successfully accomplish the tasks defined for the specific position.

  • All positions assume responsibility on January 1, 2026.
  • Each term runs for three years (2026-2028). In addition to the responsibilities listed below each board member is expected to participate in monthly conference calls and attend two Board of Directors meetings per year.
  • Each board member should identify best practices for implementing evidence-based and culturally informed practices to support mental health professionals that work with children and adolescents as it relates to their board position.
  • All candidates must be a member of the Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology (Division 53). Some positions require membership in APA. See specific position descriptions.
  • All candidate must agree to and sign the Board Conduct, Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Agreement
  • Personal Statements, CVs, and headshots of the official slate will be posted to the Elections page.
  • Read the full position descriptions on the SCCAP website here:

Email the application information listed below to

  1. Vita
  2. Headshot
  3. Signed SCCAP Conduct, Confidentiality, and Conflict of Interest Agreement
  4. Personal statement

Personal statements should be divided into two sections: (1) a bio describing your background, and (2) a statement describing your interest in the position and SCCAP. The full statement should not exceed 500 words. Self-nominations are accepted. 

After the review of all nominations, the Elections Committee will present the slate of candidates to the Board of Directors to be voted on and approved during the January Board of Directors meeting. Candidates will be notified in late January about the official slate of candidates.

Our Commitment to Diversity

SCCAP encourages and welcomes applicants with diverse backgrounds with respect to age, ethnicity, disability, gender, geography, nationality, race, religion, and sexual orientation.


If you have any questions, please contact Lynn Canty, SCCAP Director of Operations at

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In Focus: Crisis Management in Childhood Mental Disorders

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