SCCAP at APA 2024

August 8-10 | Seattle, WA

SCCAP at APA 2024

August 8-10 | Seattle, WA

SCCAP is proud to be able to welcome so many of its members at the APA 2024 Convention in Seattle, Washington.  We hope you will be able to attend and join us as we celebrate our 25th anniversary as a division!

Together with support from the SCCAP board and hard work from our reviewers, we have worked hard to create a program that includes innovative research and practice recommendations in the area of clinical child and adolescent psychology.

Our symposia and skill-building sessions this year will include topics related to our conference theme of “Lived Experiences of Youth and Families: What we Gain from Listening.” Many of the studies validating our diagnostic classifications, assessment tools, and interventions have not reflected the diversity of the youth and families we serve, or the real-world providers delivering their care. As we look forward, it is a priority to learn from listening to youth and families in our research and clinical practice.

There are several highlighted presentations that we would love for you to attend and share with your colleagues.

August 8th:

  • Mental Health in Pediatric Primary Care: Incorporating the Voices of Families and Primary Care Staff
  • Presentations by our Early Career Award Winners,  Jocelyn I. Meza and Angela Narayan

August 9th:

  • Redefining Black Youth Mental Health Help-Seeking Using Youth Voice

August 10th:

  • Finding Order Amidst Chaos: Therapy Prioritization and Progress with Families in Significant Crisis

A series of SCCAP special events will be held on Friday August 9th.  We will begin at 2pm with presentations by our Distinguished Career Award Winners, Drs. Ann S. Masten and Jarrod Leffler. Followed by a quick Membership Meeting. Next is an extra special panel discussion by past SCCAP presidents, who will explore the specialty of clinical child and adolescent psychology by using past experiences to inform the future directions of our profession.  We cap the evening with the legendary SCCAP Social! See below for the full list of SCCAP Programming at APA!

With all the activities and events, we know that conferences can be overstimulating at times.  SCCAP will provide a relaxed space for you to hang out, network, or enjoy informal programming. Please make sure to check out the exciting schedule of programming in the informal programming meeting room, or the SPACE NOODLE as we are calling it.  (The location will be announced on social media and in the SCCAP-APA Brochure.)

We hope that the programming we have laid out will provide you with opportunities to learn, network, and have fun! Follow us on X/Twitter (@SCCAP53) for updates and reminders leading up to and throughout the convention. If you use social media, be sure to tag us with #SCCAPatAPA, #APA2024, and #SCCAP53.

Please check the official SCCAP Program Website for final time and location information, as details may change leading up to the convention.

We look forward to seeing you in Seattle!

Nicole Lorenzo, PhD
APA Convention SCCAP Program Chair

Kelsie Okamura, PhD
APA Convention SCCAP Program Co-Chair

More From Summer 2024

More From Summer 2024

President’s Message

By Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, PhD

In Focus: Understanding the Onset of Psychosis Among Youth & Young Adults

By Aubrey M. Moe, PhD & Melissa F. V. Kilicoglu, MA

Expert Recommendations: Social Media & Mental Health in Children & Adolescents

By Hayley Fournier, PhD; Alex Foxwell, PhD; & Betsy Kennard, PsyD, ABPP

LEAD Fellow Spotlight

Featuring Ashley Ramclam, PhD

The Student View: Highlighting SCCAP’s Student Mentorship Program

By Emily Shah, MA; Caterina Obenauf, MA; Hong Bui, MS; & Amanda Bennett, MS

SCCAP at the 2024 APA Convention

By Nicole Lorenzo, PhD and Kelsie Okamura, PhD

The SCCAP Webinar Series

The Future Directions Forum Updates

By Andres De Los Reyes, PhD

Save the Date: Inaugural SCCAP Conference!

By Mary Louise Cashel, PhD

Happy 25th Anniversary to SCCAP!

By Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP

Distinguished Career Contributions to Science Award

Recipient: Ann Masten, PhD

Distinguished Career Award for Practice & Training

Recipient: Jarrod Leffler, PhD, ABPP

R. Bob Smith, III Excellence in Psychological Assessment Award

Recipient: Elizabeth Kryszak, PhD

Richard “Dick” Abidin Early Career Award

Recipient: Angela Narayan, PhD

Early Career Contributions to Diversity Science Award

Recipient: Jocelyn I. Meza, PhD

Diversity Professional Development Award Recipients

Routh Dissertation Grant Recipients

Student Achievement Award Recipients

Student Professional Development Award Recipients

Consolidated SCCAP Awards Period

JCCAP Issue Highlight

By Andres De Los Reyes, PhD


By Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP

Council of Representatives Report

By Mary Louise Cashel, PhD & Stephen Hupp, PhD


By David A. Langer, PhD, ABPP

Fellows Committee Update

By Martha C. (Marcy) Tompson, PhD

Science & Practice Committee Update

By Jennifer L. Hughes, PhD, MPH

Membership Committee Update

By Chrissy Cammaratta, PhD, ABPP


By Alysha Thompson, PhD

Bilingual Psychologists SIG Update

By Hannah Jones, PhD

Clinical Child & Adolescent Practice SIG Update

By Jill Thurber, PhD, ABPP

EA SIG Considerations for Caregiver Involvement in Treatment

By Arielle Linsky, PhD & Joe DeLuca, PhD

Professional Development & Mentoring SIG Update

By Hannah Ades, BA & Andres De Los Reyes, PhD

Introducing the Summer Treatment Program SIG

By Katie Hart, PhD & Sarah Tannenbaum, PsyD, ABPP

More From Summer 2024

More From Summer 2024

President’s Message

By Andrea Chronis-Tuscano, PhD

In Focus: Understanding the Onset of Psychosis Among Youth & Young Adults

By Aubrey M. Moe, PhD & Melissa F. V. Kilicoglu, MA

Expert Recommendations: Social Media & Mental Health in Children & Adolescents

By Hayley Fournier, PhD; Alex Foxwell, PhD; & Betsy Kennard, PsyD, ABPP

LEAD Fellow Spotlight

Featuring Ashley Ramclam, PhD

The Student View: Highlighting SCCAP’s Student Mentorship Program

By Emily Shah, MA; Caterina Obenauf, MA; Hong Bui, MS; & Amanda Bennett, MS

SCCAP at the 2024 APA Convention

By Nicole Lorenzo, PhD and Kelsie Okamura, PhD

The SCCAP Webinar Series

The Future Directions Forum Updates

By Andres De Los Reyes, PhD

Save the Date: Inaugural SCCAP Conference!

By Mary Louise Cashel, PhD

Happy 25th Anniversary to SCCAP!

By Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP

Distinguished Career Contributions to Science Award

Recipient: Ann Masten, PhD

Distinguished Career Award for Practice & Training

Recipient: Jarrod Leffler, PhD, ABPP

R. Bob Smith, III Excellence in Psychological Assessment Award

Recipient: Elizabeth Kryszak, PhD

Richard “Dick” Abidin Early Career Award

Recipient: Angela Narayan, PhD

Early Career Contributions to Diversity Science Award

Recipient: Jocelyn I. Meza, PhD

Diversity Professional Development Award Recipients

Routh Dissertation Grant Recipients

Student Achievement Award Recipients

Student Professional Development Award Recipients

Consolidated SCCAP Awards Period

JCCAP Issue Highlight

By Andres De Los Reyes, PhD


By Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP

Council of Representatives Report

By Mary Louise Cashel, PhD & Stephen Hupp, PhD


By David A. Langer, PhD, ABPP

Fellows Committee Update

By Martha C. (Marcy) Tompson, PhD

Science & Practice Committee Update

By Jennifer L. Hughes, PhD, MPH

Membership Committee Update

By Chrissy Cammaratta, PhD, ABPP


By Alysha Thompson, PhD

Bilingual Psychologists SIG Update

By Hannah Jones, PhD

Clinical Child & Adolescent Practice SIG Update

By Jill Thurber, PhD, ABPP

EA SIG Considerations for Caregiver Involvement in Treatment

By Arielle Linsky, PhD & Joe DeLuca, PhD

Professional Development & Mentoring SIG Update

By Hannah Ades, BA & Andres De Los Reyes, PhD

Introducing the Summer Treatment Program SIG

By Katie Hart, PhD & Sarah Tannenbaum, PsyD, ABPP